Our School » Safety & Behavior Plan

Safety & Behavior Plan

Harvard School Plan for Safe and Responsible Behavior

Harvard’s plan for maintaining safe and productive behavior is based on respect and responsibility:  respect for yourself and respect for others means taking responsibility for your actions.  In the classroom and on the playground, remember these basic principles:

Harvard Students Are Proud Huskies

H onest
U nderstanding of Differences
S incere and Sympathetic
K ind
I nvolved
E mpathetic
S olver of Problems

When you respect yourself and others, many problems can be avoided.  By avoiding the behaviors described below, problem behaviors will be eliminated.  By school and home working together, all children will achieve!


Fighting is a mutual physical conflict between two students and will not be tolerated.  Students who fight may be suspended.  The method of discipline is at the discretion of the administration.  Threats to harm another person are against the law and will be treated accordingly.  All threats will be taken seriously; consequences may include notifying the police in addition to school determined discipline.

Hitting, Pushing & Kicking
If a child hits, “play fights”, pushes, kicks another student, or provokes another child to do so, parents will be notified.  Consequences include counseling, conferences with the teacher, child and parent, in-class supervision by the parent, suspension from class, written apology, benching, and/or opportunity room.

Bad Language/Name Calling
Using vulgar language or name calling on school grounds is not allowed and may result in writing a reflective essay and suspension from class.  Parents will be notified. Repeat offenses will result in suspension from school. 

Damaging Property
Intentionally defacing or destroying property is forbidden:  parents are held liable for damage done by their child.  The child will make restitution; parents will supervise any necessary clean-up or repairs either before or after school, Civil Code 1714.01.

If a student spits on the yard, the child will clean it up and will be counseled.  If a student spits on another child, the student will be referred to the Opportunity Room for social skills training.  Parents will be notified if the behavior continues.  

Bringing Money to School
Students do not need money while at school unless they buy their breakfast or lunch, or if a bake sale is being conducted, in which case they need only $1 or $2.00.  Students are not to loan money to other students.  Students bringing money to school do so at their own risk.  Harvard is not responsible for collecting money loaned by one student to another.

Bringing Items to School
Some things are okay to have at home, but not at school.  Items not permitted at school include soda, junk food, glass bottles, gum, candy, bikes, skateboards, electronic devices, or any toys, and makeup.  If a student brings anything inappropriate or unnecessary to school without the teacher’s written approval, the item will be taken from the child.  At the teacher’s discretion, the item will either be returned at the end of the school day or be held until a parent comes to retrieve it.

Cell Phones
If a student brings a cell phone to school it must be kept turned off and in the student’s backpack. If a student is observed carrying a cell phone on his/her person during school hours, the phone will be confiscated, held until a parent comes to retrieve it, and the student will not be allowed the privilege of having the cell phone at school.  

Students may not bring alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, inhalants*, drugs or weapons to school.  Students are also prohibited from bringing items that resemble weapons to school.  The consequence for this offense will be suspension or expulsion, at the discretion of the administration.

*Inhalants are used for “huffing”.  The following items are strictly prohibited at school:  spray paint, hair or deodorant sprays, air fresheners, fabric protector sprays, aerosol computer cleaning products, and vegetable oil sprays. 

Leaving School or Class
Once at school, students are not permitted to leave the school grounds without getting permission from the office.  If a student leaves without permission, parents will be notified.

For the safety and security of our students, no student may leave the classroom without permission.  Children are expected to use the restrooms before school and during recess and lunch.  The student will be counseled for leaving class without permission.  Parents will be notified if the problem continues.  Parents should notify the classroom teacher if there is a medical reason for frequent restroom use.

Doctor and Dental Appointments, Etc.
Because attendance at school is crucial for student success, parents and guardians are asked to schedule appointments after school hours or on the weekends.

Students are expected to be at school on time.  Gates open at 7:20AM, the bell rings at 7:55AM, and classroom lessons begin at 8:00AM.  Students will be required to make up the time and/or any missed work.  Parents of habitually tardy students will be notified by school office staff and may be referred to the Student Attendance Review Team (SART).  In the case of chronic tardiness, a School District official will make a home visit and refer for legal action as necessary.

Students are expected to be at school.  Students who develop patterns of good attendance are much more likely to be successful both academically and socially. 

California law states that students can miss no more than 6 days in any school year.    

All food is to be eaten only at the lunch tables.  Students are responsible for their own cleanup.  Students who leave trash will be asked to clean the lunch area.  By federal law, parents are not allowed in the lunch area.

Because of food allergies, nutrition concerns, and obesity issues, students are not permitted to share food.  Students eating the food provided by the school are receiving a meal deemed nutritionally balanced and appropriate.

Students are not permitted to purchase items from vendors during the hours the campus is open.  As you are well aware, many of our school campuses experience problems associated with vendors on the perimeter.  These vendors not only pose a serious health risk for our students, but contribute to the traffic hazards by crowding the sidewalks thereby forcing students to walk in the streets.  In addition, if vendors station themselves across the street from the school, the youngsters often forget about their safety and run through traffic to get to the “treats”.

80.73(5) Los Angeles Municipal Code states there is to be no dispensing or selling from any locations within 500 feet of the nearest property line of any school.  This includes, but is not limited to catering trucks, ice cream trucks, or carts.

Yard Behavior
Students are expected to be respectful and responsible while on the yard.  They are to follow the directions given to them by the adult supervision staff.  Students must remain in their assigned play areas unless eating or working at the tables. 

Yard Behavior After School
Participation in the Youth Services (YS) After School Program is a privilege.  Students who are unable to follow the guidelines established by YS to provide a safe environment will not be permitted to stay on the yard.

Class Rules
Each student is expected to follow the standards set forth by his/her classroom teacher.  Classroom disciplinary action is determined by the teacher.  Disciplinary action is dependent on the severity of the behavior.  Any behavior that impedes learning or student safety will not be tolerated.  Action(s) taken may be, but are not limited to, review of rules, loss of privilege, Opportunity Room, benching, time out in office, in-school suspension, suspension, referral to Student Success Team (SST). 

Campus Closure
For the safety and security of students and staff, Harvard maintains a closed campus.  For the first two weeks of the school year, parents of kindergarteners will be allowed to enter the breakfast area before school to assist their children.  After that time, the playground area will be closed to parents.  The exception to this rule are trained parent volunteers who assist at the table and line-up areas on a daily basis.  These parents are identified by a volunteer badge.  Parents on official business may enter through the front entrance and register in the main office.

Disruptive Parents
The LAUSD reaffirms its policy that students and adults in both schools and offices be treated equally and respectfully.  Parents entering the school campus must act in a professional manner while conducting business on school grounds.  Screaming, the use of profanity, threats, and any behavior that jeopardizes the safety of students and/or school personnel is prohibited.  Failure to comply with this policy may result:  in being escorted off campus by school police or the LAPD, being banned from the campus, having to prearrange visits with administration prior to coming on campus, or having criminal charges filed. 

Library Books and Text Books
Students borrowing books from the library are responsible for taking care of the books and returning them in a timely manner.  Fines will be assessed for damaged or lost books.  Additionally, students damaging textbooks will be assessed appropriate fines.  Students losing textbooks will be assessed replacement costs.  Report cards will be withheld until fees are paid. 

Flyers, school newsletters and other important and time sensitive information will be sent home as needed.  Parents/Guardians are asked to check backpacks daily for this very informative information as well as daily homework assignments.

Uniforms/Dress Code
The student dress code at Harvard Elementary consists of a white shirt with navy blue skirt, shorts or pants or maroon shirt with tan skirt, shorts or pants. 

Students in uniform feel better about themselves and take their work more seriously because there is a sense of unity.  Uniforms eliminate the competition of designer labels and the latest fashion trends.  For safety and modesty, the following guidelines also apply:

  1. Students must come to school neat and clean.
  2. Closed toed shoes must be worn, no heels or sandals.
  3. Socks must be worn at all times.
  4. Clothing known to represent gang affiliation is prohibited.
  5. Clothing which creates a disruption or is considered offensive is prohibited.
  6. Female students wearing skirts and playing on the apparatus must wear shorts under the skirt.
  7. Caps may be worn on the yard for sun protection, but cannot be worn backwards.  Caps are not to be worn in the classroom or during assemblies.
  8. Short shorts, mini skirts, tank tops, midriff tops, and tops with spaghetti straps are prohibited.  Straps must be no thinner than 2 inches in width.
  9. Makeup is not to be worn to school or brought to school.
  10. Artificial and acrylic nails are discouraged.  If these types of nails are worn, they must be tastefully polished and of an appropriate length.  Students failing to follow these guidelines will be asked to have the nails removed.  These nails pose safety issues.
  11. Tattoos are not to be displayed at school.  Tattoos need to be in an area that can be covered by a sleeve or a pant leg, etc.
  12. Hoop or dangling earrings and chains are prohibited at school because of safety concerns.  Students will be asked to remove the earrings or other jewelry that may pose a risk.
  13. Heelys and Wheelies (shoes with rollers) are not permitted at school.  Students will either be asked to remove the wheels or phone home for a replacement pair of shoes.
  14. T-shirts with inappropriate words, phrases or pictures are prohibited. Students will be required to change clothes or will be sent home.

We want all of Harvard’s students to be focused on their job, which is learning.
We believe that respectful and responsible students make the best learners!

We want all of Harvard’s students to be focused on their job, which is learning.
We believe that respectful and responsible students make the best learners!